URGENT – Club Members Chinese Meal Invite

Hi folks. Before Christmas I announced that we intended to re-instate an old custom at the Buntingford Karate Club by having our club Christmas dinner in January!
To that end I gave out two dates for members to get back to me as soon as possible. These were for 13th or 20th January (both are Fridays). As I only received one reply I was going to go for 13th January….However, I have been waiting quite a while for an appointment to see a Doctor for a check up at Addenbrookes Hospital. And yes, you’ve guessed it…its for 14th January. As this means I have to be “Nil By Mouth” for 24 hours beforehand it writes off 13th January.
I checked this with the Buntingford Karate Club members last night and they were all happy with 20th January.
SO OUR CHINESE MEAL WILL BE ON FRIDAY 20TH JANUARY. Please check with me regarding times – also as I have to reserve seats, please let me know if you are coming.
Sensei Bill