Time to Re-Open the Karate Club?
Dear Student and Member
As it has been some weeks since lock-down and we have not been able to train at the Buntingford Karate Club I have been keeping my eyes and ears open for any lifting in restrictions.
As we are now allowed more time out for exercise activities Sue and I have come up with a plan to get us all training again. I have recently obtained permission from Edwinstree School to be able to use the school field and/or the hard standing area next to the school field.
The idea is that classes will run in the open air (so that we can easily social distance) on a Tuesday and Thursday as before and we will train with trainers and our gis on. You will only pay for the lesson that you turn up to as we will have to suspend the “four weeks in advance” rule for the time being.
As we cannot guarantee the weather on a day to day basis the idea is that YOU call ME on the relevant evening (Tuesday or Thursday)and I will let you know if the club is running or not. Please do not call me on another day in the week to find out – I’m a Sensei not a weather man! Obviously if it is sheeting it down with rain on a training evening then we won’t be running, but if it is a fair evening then we can go ahead.
We will not be able to do partner work or freestyle but we can do exercises/warm-ups, basic training and kata.
If you come along you should come ALREADY CHANGED INTO YOUR GI as we will not be allowed to enter the building. Make sure as well that you have been to the toilet before you come training. If you are “caught short” whilst training I will be able to open up the school ONLY for the use of the toilet. You MUST therefore bring hand sanitisers (wipes or gels) and your own towels with you.
If the first couple of lessons are a success then CJ has kindly offered to run another Jo (stick) work lesson – ideal on grass!!
Let’s hope we can all get back to some training again.
Hope to see you soon.
Sensei Bill.