Don’t Mess with a Buntingford Brownie!

Hi All. One of the things that I do is teach one-off Self-Defence classes…but imagine my surprise when I was asked by Sarah Homan, the leader of the Buntingford Brownie pack, if I would give a talk and demonstration to the local Brownies. The Pack Leader explained that the girls were hoping to win their Japanese Badges and that some information on this Martial Art would be useful. Of course I said yes…and No Charge!
So last night there I was with my wife Sue with a group of VERY enthusiastic Brownies. I outlined where Karate came from and what the word means and how it looks in Japanese. I also showed them a scary picture of Bodhidharma which had them all giggling.
Next I showed them how to punch and then how to deflect a punch or grab using their open hands. I also showed them how to defend against a strangle (I used “Fluffy Owl” (don’t ask) as my demonstration “victim”).
We finished on Gyaku Tsuki and then they gave me the Brownie “Thank You”. What a great hour it was with such a great group of enthusiastic girls.
So….don’t pick on a little girl in Buntingford….she may turn out to be a Brownie!!!
Sensei Bill.