Hi All. Just to say MERRY CHRISTMAS to you, whether you be a present member or a past member of the Buntingford Karate Club.

As you can see from the front page, we have taken our now traditional bonkers club photo. We are not all in it (some say Thank God) and if you missed out we do apologise….maybe next year?
Sue and I would like to thank every member (new and old) for their support this year. It’s not been easy for Sue and I to keep the club running through this pandemic whilst complying with all of the restrictions imposed on us by the government, but somehow (and with your help) we have succeeded. And a big Thank You to Sensei Keith and all of you that have stepped in and helped out when the need arose.
Here’s to 2022 and another great year of martial arts training
Sensei Bill, Sensei Sue and Sensei Keith.