Hi Folks, Sue and I and all the members of the Buntingford Karate Club wish you All a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

To any of the members reading this, Sue and I particularly want to thank you for your support this year. Whilst European economies and people have been squeezed the Buntingford Karate Club has increased in membership.

Now, check out this pictureIMG_1122. This is Marcus being towed by Sam in our last training session before the Christmas break and before we all headed for the pub! This is a good way of doing some power training and also introduces some fun. Simply get the student at the back to put their belt around the waist of the person in front and then the person in front attempts to step forward and perform gedan berai with the belt used as a restraint. Very easy to arrange….and it works. Good for the abdominal muscles!

The photo on the web featured image is us lot fooling about for the camera. Spot the Elf hat and the reindeer nose!

We are all mad!

See you next year.

Sensei Bill.

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