Kyler Gets His First Grade.

Hi all. This is Kyler. He has just gone through his first grading for 9th Kyu (Red Belt) with the Buntingford Karate Club and doesn’t he look pleased with himself?
Kyler has been with us a few weeks now and has applied himself to his Karate in a most encouraging manner. He does not mind being corrected in the lesson because he knows we only do this to help him. He is a very bright boy and always gives 100% to his lessons.
He tried very hard in his grading even though first time nerves were a bit of a problem. I have no doubt that if he continues with his enthusiasm for his Karate and continues to make such great improvement as he has shown in his grading that he will one day get to Black Belt.
Well done Kyler. As you can see, other Buntingford Karate Club members were delighted for him as well,
Sensei Bill.