Grading successes at Buntingford Karate Club

Hi All. Well, there’s a clue in the title isn’t there?
Ably assisted by Keith, on Thursday 6th April six members of the Buntingford Karate Club presented themselves to me for grading. We had Marco and Andrea going for Orange 8th Kyu; Kyler and Sam going for Green 6th Kyu and John and Owen going for Purple 5th Kyu.
All of the students performed very well. Yes, there were the usual silly mistakes because of nerves, but these were easily rectified when I asked them to repeat the move.
I have to say that John and Owen performed exceptionally well and I have asked them to take their next grade in a shorter time frame than I usually do.
Well done all.
You can see from the photos that they were pleased!
Sensei Bill.