Curses foiled again!
Hi Folks. Unfortunately it has been a week of frustration with the internal workings of the Buntingford Karate Club. The keen eyed individuals among you may have spotted that the long awaited movie The Set Up appeared under our Action Videos tag and was then taken off again. Regretfully, post production, the wrong website address was put on the credits and so it had to come off again!! So near and yet so far.
Then I took the camera in to take some shots of Elisha because she took a lesson recently and I wanted to get her happy, smiling, joyful, terrified face onto a blog page, but she went off on some trivial thing called the Duke of Edinburgh’s award scheme. She’s got much energy she could power a small town!
Then I went down with some ghastly chest and throat infection last Tuesday but I had recovered enough to take the lesson on Thursday. It was at this lesson that I discovered that our Katie (who has been struggling somewhat to pick up her karate skills) walks on the balls of her feet as if she is wearing invisible high heels. Once I got her to walk through her heels her karate improved as if by magic. There’s nothing wrong with her Achilles tendons, calf muscles or ham-strings as far as I can see, so why she does it I do not know. A point for other Instructors watching in to note.
So, back to the drawing board with The Set Up and meanwhile filming is about to start on “Call Security” starring my two instructors CJ and Lou, and two mates of mine Nuvin and Paul (who is also in The Set Up) and Me.
Watch this space.
Sensei Bill.