Oh Calamity!

Sometimes things just seem to go wrong don’t they? If you have read the website and followed these blogs you will know that the Buntingford Karate Club trains on a Tuesday and Thursday evening. We are not a very big club by some standards but I like to think that we are quality not quantity (and I’m happy with that!).
So, on Tuesday (yesterday) I received a number of texts and calls from members: Owen had cut the bottom of his foot at the seaside; Stewart had gone down with Toncilitis; CJ was admitted to hospital with severe stomach pains; Rick was caught up in a meeting at work; Jake had been written off work by his doctor for a week; Harrison was on holiday; and last but by no means least Lou (oh Lou!) had been away to holiday in Spain where he had been involved in a go-kart crash, had been thrown out of the kart and had sustained severe bruising, cuts and burns – this was after cutting his foot on a rock in the sea, being trapped in a lift for 5 hours and having bashed his head in a waterslide! Suffice it to say we were thin on the ground last night. However all the attendees were black belts so I taught kata Ni Ju Shi Ho with its finer points.
On another note: Marcus is mocking up a Certificate of Achievement for those being awarded their Black Belts. Should be nice to hang on the wall. I’ve already got some….they are all in Japanese.
Sensei Bill.