The Lee Boys strike again!

Hi All. Yes, Peter and Freddie Lee have done it again. This father and son pairing took their grading for green belt at the Buntingford Karate Club last Thursday and showed good control and fine spirit. There is (quite naturally) a good spirit of competition between these two which pushes them both to train hard at their karate – and […]

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Orange Belt for Finn

Hi folks. We had another grading at the Buntingford Karate Club last week. This one was specifically for Finn. Finn had been having a bit of trouble straightening his back leg in Zenkutsudachi (front stance), but it all came good in the grading. Overall, Finn put in an excellent performance and one that he can be proud of. Well done […]

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Successful Gradings for Daizee-Mai and Chantelle

Hi Folks. Yes, it’s been another successful grading for two students of the Buntingford Karate Club. They took their grading on 24/2/2022 and both young ladies passed with flying colours. Chantelle was going for her Orange belt (8th kyu) and Daizee-Mai was going for her Green belt (6th kyu). My Assistant Instructor, Keith Edwards, sat with me as the examination […]

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Hi All. Just to say MERRY CHRISTMAS to you, whether you be a present member or a past member of the Buntingford Karate Club. As you can see from the front page, we have taken our now traditional bonkers club photo. We are not all in it (some say Thank God) and if you missed out we do apologise….maybe next […]

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Brown Belt for Tara

Hi All. Yes, Tara has gained her Brown Belt (3rd Kyu). After having “a bad day at the office” Tara went for her 3rd Kyu with the Buntingford Karate club. Her focus and work on the kick bag was excellent as was her demonstration of basics and sparring. But oh dear, we had a few hiccups with the Heian katas […]

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diabetische Makulaödeme Forschung Makulaödeme Forschung konzentriert sich auf mehrere Arzneimittel- und Lasertherapien.

diabetische Makulaödeme Forschung Makulaödeme Forschung konzentriert sich auf mehrere Arzneimittel- und Lasertherapien. Unser Leitbild ist es, den Generalist für Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologie so zu schulen, wie er auf allen Ebenen, einschließlich chirurgischer, medizinischer, professioneller und zwischenmenschlicher Leistungsfähigkeit, zu weit über ihre Fähigkeiten auftritt. Ich freue mich sehr über unser Programm und ich glaube, wir bieten die Schulung eines Universitätsprogramms in […]

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