Hi All. With the lockdown restrictions easing on Monday 17th May the Buntingford Karate Club will be running its 5 week Beginners Course on and from Tuesday 18th May. If you are interested in joining our friendly club then call me on 01763 273123. If I am not there then leave a message. Unlike some people I review the phone messages constantly – but don’t forget to leave a return number if you do.
Cost is £40 for 5 weeks (payable cash in advance) with a start time of 7.30pm to finish at 9.00pm. That’s only £8.00p for an hour and a half’s lesson.
Training is done in bare feet and you do not need special clothing, but tracksuit bottoms or leggings and a T shirt/sweatshirt would be the thing to wear – no jeans or skirts please. It’s also a good idea to bring some water to drink and a towel (for if you get hot).
If you want to bring hand gels and put on your covid mask then that’s fine by us although the instructors will not be wearing them. There will be some covid-safe systems in place on the night but all will be obvious, simple and explained to you on arrival.
PLEASE NOTE – the Buntingford Karate Club DOES NOT take members under the age of TEN years old.
See you there!
Sensei Bill.